The Issues I'm Concerned About

Safety & Security
I believe that the safety & security of the residents, businesses, institutions, and visitors to the City of Fairfax is paramount for the City's growth, prosperity, health, and wellness of the whole community. Strategic funding for Police/Fire/Rescue is essential for a proper response. Safe & Secure public spaces, roads, and sidewalks are needed for the community to live, work, gather, and travel throughout the city.

Education plays a big role in my family. Both of my parents worked as teachers. My wife Tanya has been a teacher and is currently a school Principal. Tanya's sister is a teacher and her father is a professor at GMU. I know the importance that schools serve as a safe, inclusive space for our children to learn, develop, and succeed. I personally know the commitment and dedication our teachers and administrators have and understand what can help them perform to their best.

Business & Development
Fairfax City depends upon a strong business community that provides residents with services, goods, and employment. A strong business community provides additional tax revenue to the City that can help lower the tax burden for residents and improve the public services and areas of public domain that the City provides for it's residents. The City should work to attract new businesses to the City and assist with the development of new business opportunities and opportunity zones. The City should re-examine existing business and industrial zones for best and highest use. The City should look for opportunities to repurpose and redevelop empty and/or abandoned business or industrial spaces.

Tax revenue is essential to operate the City of Fairfax's government and continue to provide the residents with a high level of essential services. High tax rates can become a burden to residents and local businesses. Keeping taxes to a low and fair rate can help attract new residents & businesses and retain those already here. The City Council needs to work with the City Manager to find new avenues to offset expenses and generate additional revenue without negatively impacting or over taxing the City's residents and local businesses.

Homelessness has been on the rise in our surrounding Counties. Arlington, Alexandria, and Loudoun Counties have all seen increases in chronic homelessness. Some of those experiencing temporary homelessness in our area is due to economic hardship, domestic abuse, chronic health issues, and physical disabilities. The region has had some success reducing homelessness for those included in these categories. For those experiencing chronic homelessness, serious mental illness and substance abuse are major factors impacting this group. Housing solutions have not been as successful for this group and can lead to unsheltered individuals and tent encampments. These situations can result to an increase to property crimes, violent crimes, and additional drug abuse and overdoses. I will work with City Police, Homeless Advocate groups, and surrounding jurisdictions to find compassionate and responsible solutions for recovery, housing, medical services and to eliminate tent encampments within the City.

Keeping Fairfax City a clean, safe, and environmentally friendly place to live is a priority. Parks and green spaces are a great way add beauty to the City as well as protecting the regional watershed and wild life. Recycling programs, alternative & public transportation options, and sustainable building and business practices can help to keep our City and it's residents moving toward a better environment and future.