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No Amount Is Too Small

Your financial donation helps to offset the costs of campaigning and raising awareness.  Any amount that you can afford to donate is very much appreciated.  You can also make a donation of time.  Contact me to learn how you can help.  Thank you!

Organizational Support

Donate Your Time

Time has value!  Consider making a donation of time to help the campaign.  Gathering signatures, passing out flyers, delivering yard signs, and hanging banners.  Contact me and let me know how you can help.

Financial Support

$25 - $250

Consider making a donation of any amount that you're comfortable with.  These donations will offset the costs of campaign expenses and help to get the word out.

Campaign Partner

$250 - $500

"It takes a village..."  That statement is true about successful campaigns.  I need people on my side and to be partners of the campaign.

Community Contribution

$500 or more

Campaign donations can come from individuals, groups, businesses, and organizations. All of these make up our Fairfax City community and campaign donations indicate a support not only for the candidate, but for the entire community.

Get in Touch
Donate: Our Goals
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